Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year

It has been a while since my last posts.

Thanksgiving was great. Karen and her family came home for a few days. Great meal as usual. December was a month of health issues. Mom had surgery and has come along great. I had a horrible cold which kept me from (1) going to see mom the whole time she was in the hospital. It didn't let up until Christmas eve day and (2) it kept me from delivering my Christmas cookies/treats. We also had an ice storm at the same time which didn't help matters. Now you might not think that is such a big deal, but for me, it was. I don't bake. I don't bake because if I bake, I eat it. This year I had a couple great cookie recipes so I bought the stuff to make the cookies and I also bought chocolate and melted it and molded candy, dipped cookies, and covered pretzels. I fixed 2 pages for the 2 neighbors I always get things from and then got sick and never delivered them. Most of what I made, I threw away because they were no longer fresh. My family did, however, get to enjoy them. I hope to make something for Valentines or Easter and get to the neighbors.

Christmas was very nice. Once again, the whole family was together and mom and was pretty good. I had Garth, Aimee, Dylan, and Dane here Christmas Eve to do our gifts this year instead of Christmas a.m. Normally I have Christmas here, but we had it at mom and dad's this year.

It is snowing here again today. Lots of snow yesterday. Roads were horrible. I'm sitting here in my kitchen looking out my big windows and watching the snow fly. It is very pretty out there.

Garth & Dane are in a bowling tournament this a.m. and I believe all day.

I had Dylan last weekend. We had a good time. I have a chair in the family room that is quite a ways away from the wall, so I put his toys back there. That way they were out of the way. Anyway, he loved it back there. We sat in that area for a long time just talking and playing. He had a hard time sleeping though. He kept waking up and making sure I was there. He then asked if I would lay with him, which I did. He snuggled up to me and said "Gamma, I love you very much." That is something I will always remember.

I am hoping to get some card making done and some scrapbooking/picture editing done this weekend.

That pretty much brings me up-to-date.

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