Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well, it seems I am going to enter the world of blogging. Not sure how it will go or what will show up in here, but I'm going to give it a try. I hope to post some of my digital scrapbooking layouts and photos using my new camera. I start a basic digital photography class in May and am really looking forward to it.

Today was a day of scrapbooking and then cleaning up the computer. Not only did I get some scrapbook pages done today, but I uploaded them to be printed. Can't wait to see how they come out. I did 17 8" x 8" and 5 4" x 6" layouts. After that, I burned all my pictures and layouts to a DVD, so I am good to go on new projects.

I also got my April SSSD swap done and will post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tiger Lily Photography said...

Hey Deb! Well done on your blog! Congratulations - looking forward to seeing lots more layouts! lauren xx