Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oz Fest

Well, it was really the Wizard of Oz festival in Valparaiso, IN. I had seen it in a book and as I love the Wizard of Oz, Mauna and I decided to check it out. It was a bummer. Not much going on. A few characters walking around that you could have your picture taken with. Mauna took my picture with a group of them. Check out the blonde Dorothy with red streaks. Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion were there, but those darn little kids took up all the room and wouldn't let me close enough for a picture. I mean really, you would think they would have made room for the old lady jumping up and down and screaming "I love you Tin Man." We also stopped at a couple scrapbook stores which was fun. One was having a 70% off sale. We were suppose to spend the night, but the electricity was out at our hotel, so they let us cancel our reservation and we just came home. We did stop at The Boathouse in the Lakes of Winona for a great meal. I found out today that I won a $25 gift certificate to the scrapbook store. Now I'm going to have to go back.
Thought: Memories are like keepsakes, always to be treasured. (Author Unknown)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Labor Day and Beyond

Karen and her family came home for the Labor Day weekend. We met for breakfast on Saturday a.m. and then most of us headed back to mom & dad's. I kept Dylan with me so he could play with his cousin Kaille who is 6 mos. older. It was fun watching them interact. For the most part, they did pretty good, but it's funny that a toy can sit without anyone playing with it, but as soon as one picks it up, the other one wanted it. There was a lot of "you have to take turns" and "it's my turn" said that day. One cute thing that was said, among many, was the "take it, take it"..........Grandpa made Kaille and Cole chocolate milk. Kaille was blowing bubbles in her's and Karen (Kaille's mom) told her to stop or she would take it. Out of the mouth of Dylan comes "take it, take it."

On Sunday we went to Bren's for supper, swimming, and fishing. Some people caught several and then there were others that caught nothing. We need to get the fish for Christmas a.m. Bren also received instructions on how to fillet a fish.

On Thursday of this week, I met my cousin Nancy at the mall for a visit. It was the first time in many, many years that we visited. We were very close growing up and then everyone goes their own way after school and we grew apart. It was great fun to be able to visit. Don't think she has changed a bit.

This weekend I had Dylan while Garth & Dane went golfing. We visited with Papa and Gege for a while before coming home.

November 12 "Menopause the Musical" is coming to Ft. Wayne. Three friends, mom, and I are going to go. Should be a great time.

Thought for the Day: Maybe it's true that life begins at 50, but everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. (Phyllis Diller)

This is her second piece, you should have seen the first one. Didn't have my camera at that point. It was probably half the size of this one. I do give her credit for doing it though. We would never have fish if I would have to clean & fillet them. Way to go Bren!!!